Golden Stories from the life of Faatimah Radhi Allahu Anha
AU $15.00 In stock: 25Publisher: Muslims at Work
Author:Moulana Afzal Ismail
About the book:
- Faatimah Radhi Allahu Anha, the queen of Jannah, was an exemplary woman. She lived a short life of around 29 years, but she left behind a great legacy. The golden principles that she lived by will remain etched in the sands of time. Her life serves as an ideal model for women for every era. She taught the world how to live as an obedient daughter, a faithful wife and a caring mother.
- In this book, the reader is taken through the journey of life of this extraordinary woman. Stories of her sublime virtues, exceptional upbringing, prophetic nurturing and inspirational family values have been narrated. The lessons that can be drawn from her inspring life have been highlighted so that women today can strive to follow in the footsteps of the queen of Jannah.
- By studying the fascinating journey of his life, we will learn how he eradicated Shiasm, liberated al-Quds and defeated the Crusaders. Implementing the lessons he taught will inspire us to become better Muslims and to raise the flag of Islam in a world which desperately needs guidance.
- Hardback, 86 pages
- Printed in Turkey