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Admonition For Neglectful (Tanbihul Ghaafileen)
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Admonition For Neglectful (Tanbihul Ghaafileen)
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Admonition For Neglectful (Tanbihul Ghaafileen)
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Admonition For Neglectful (Tanbihul Ghaafileen)
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Admonition For Neglectful (Tanbihul Ghaafileen)
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Admonition For Neglectful (Tanbihul Ghaafileen)
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Admonition For Neglectful (Tanbihul Ghaafileen)
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Admonition For Neglectful (Tanbihul Ghaafileen)

$35.00 In stock: 1

Publisher: Zam Zam Publishers

Author: Faqih Abu Laith Samarqandi (Edited and Translated By Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias)

About book:

  • The Original Book in Arabic is Called Tambehul Ghafileen by Faqih Abu Layth Samarqandi (373 Hijri) who was know as Imaamul Huda (Leader of Guidance) during his time (C 373H). The Urdu translation was done by Maulana Mahfoozul Hassan Sambali entitled Rawdatus Saliheen.
  • Many Scholars use this book for their (Murids) disciples because it is so well divided and sub divided, extracts can be easily used as article fillers page and cover filler. The theme of the book is the warning to Neglectful Muslim which relates to the life after death. Excellent for extracts to be used as articles, page and cover fillers as it is so well divided and subdivided.
  • A wonderful spiritual work which aids in strengthening one's Iman, and improving character, personality and behaviour. In three parts, this book consists of pithy counsel, quotations from Quran and Hadith, examples from lives of the Sahabah (ra) and their successors and the Men of wisdom. Reliable, authentic and valuable material of the ahlus Sunnat Wal Jamat.
  • The author Abul Laith Nasr Bin Muhammad Al-Samarqandia Jurist and a Muhaddith (in accordance with Hanafi School of Thought), also known as Imam Al-Huda. He was born in 333 AH. He left for hereafter in 373 AH in Balkh.
  • Hardback 481 Pages

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