About Us

The Arabic store was formed to provide today’s generation of knowledge seekers a place where they can get traditional and most authentic Islamic books and other items. We try our best to select the best titles available and only work with the most reputable publishers, who in turn work with reliable scholars. We are continuously trying to increase our inventory , so please check time to time for new arrivals. We really value any of your feedbacks or suggestions.

Distribution in Australia

Currently we are the sole distributors for the following products in Australia:
  • Muslims at Work Publication, South Africa
  • Jamiatul Ulama - Talimi Board Publication, South Africa
  • L'Fumes London perfumes, United Kingdom

Contact Us

Please contact us for any questions or concerns regarding your order, website issues, or general questions at:

E-mail: arabicstore.sales@gmail.com
Live chat on : WhatsApp

Payment Method

We accept all credit cards; you can also choose PayPal or normal bank transfer as a payment method.

Shipping cost

The shipping cost would vary depending on the distance. Once you place your order online, we will contact you regarding the payments and shipping method.