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Moulana Hussein Ahmed Madani (rahimahu allah), His life and Mission

Moulana Hussein Ahmed Madani (rahimahu allah), His life and Mission

AU $35.00 In stock: 0

Publisher: Jamiatul Ulama Talimi Board,South Africa

About the book:

  • Shaikhul Islam, Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani (rahimahu allah) is a personality who was known and loved by one and all, Muslim and Non-Muslim. There may be very few individuals in the Muslim world who have not heard his name nor admired his outstanding traits. Such luminaries are seldom found in centuries. Hailing from the noble family of Rasulullah (?), with his roots in Madina Munawwarah, graduating in Darul- Uloom Deoband and nurtured under the special guidance of his Ustaadh, Moulana Mahmood Hasan (rahimahu allah) and his Sheikh, Moulana Rashid Ahmed Gangohi (rahimahu allah), this great sun of Islam shone his radiance throughout the length and breadth of India, fighting for the cause of Islam and the freedom of the oppressed Muslims.
  • Despite his numerous occupations, the poverty he suffered, the difficulties he endured, the hardships he underwent, his eyes remained focused on the mission of his Ustaadh, Shaikhul Hind, Moulana Mahmood Hasan (rahimahu allah). He worked tirelessly as a Mujaahid par excellence, striving to remove the oppressive British from India and to free the oppressed Indians from their evil clutches.
  • His efforts were not just restricted to one field. Whilst he sat on the platform of Hadith teaching at Darul Uloom Deoband, he would also be delivering lectures on the mimbar of the masaajid around India. He would then rush off to proclaim the message of Allah Taala in some political conference, fearless of what the consequence may be.
  • It is hoped that this biography serves as a motivation for us to also stand up and sacrifice our lives for Allah Taala and His noble Deen.

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